Service Yields Stability and Joy by Phil Reed, President/CEO, Voice Of Calvary Ministries

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

John 10:10 

These words of Jesus continue to be one of our key motivations at Voice of Calvary Ministries (VOCM). In fact, our whole mission is to live out these words of Jesus as we try to help people realize their full potential in Christ: spiritually, physically, economically and socially.

In March I wrote about the grant we received from the Mississippi Home Corporation to serve individuals and families who are either homeless or in danger of becoming homeless. Called the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), the purpose of the program for us is to help people who are experiencing especially trying circumstances get their lives back on track.

Here is an excerpt from a letter I received from one of those we have served:

Due to temporary unemployment, I was unable to make my monthly residential payments which led to an eventual eviction. After receiving the notice of eviction, and making contact with the county court system, my prayers and cry to God for help directed me to Voice of Calvary Ministries here in Jackson, Mississippi. So the next day I called to see what I needed to do. Fast forward seven (7) days, I was able to move in to my dwelling place, my home. As I write this, I am still overjoyed with thanksgiving for God sending me to Voice of Calvary and for Him providing VOC with the resources to help persons that are in situations such as mine… In closing, I can’t say thank you enough for ALL that you as an Organization of Faith has done to help me and many others over your years of existence.

Of course none of this would be possible without the faithful support of our good friends like you.

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Thank you so much for your partnership!

Voice of Calvary Blog & Articles

2024 Year End Newsletter


January 24, 2025

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 Housing and Work Seminar – Vicksburg


Children’s Food Giveaway Event: Cereal for Summer


2022 VOCM Year-End Newsletter


Ties that Bind: Digital Inclusion Project


531 W.Capitol Street
Jackson MS 39203



© 2022 Voice of Calvary Ministries