Kindergarten Readiness Program Includes “Nano Science Time”


Students observe a chemical reaction with 2 different outcomes, then discuss their observations about whether the size of one reactant, a tablet they broke into small size pieces in the red cylinder and into large size pieces in the blue cylander, made the red liquid rise higher and faster than the blue liquid.
Students observe a chemical reaction with 2 different outcomes, then discuss their observations about whether the size of one reactant, a tablet they broke into small size pieces in the red cylinder and into large size pieces in the blue cylinder, made the red liquid rise higher and faster than the blue liquid.

Several years ago, God gave us a vision for what some have called a “well-rounded education”, but which we view as a biblical understanding of education. In 1 Kings 4, the wisdom which God gave to Solomon is described: He spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs numbered a thousand and five. He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish (verses 32-33). We would like a similar description to be made about the children involved in our youth initiatives. We are committed to ensuring that the youth in our community have access to the best educational opportunities available anywhere.

During July 9–11, 2018, we provided a “Kindergarten Readiness/STEM Ready” mini-camp for 17 children ages four and five in west Jackson. These youngsters were assessed in the very areas in which they will be assessed when they register for Pre-K and kindergarten. As a part of the camp, Jackson State University sponsored a “Nano Science Time” (pictured to right). Of course, nano has to do with very small things that form much of the basis of computer programming and other areas of science, including chemistry.

Pictured center, is Dr. Dalephine Davis, Assoc. Dir. Grad. Studies of Chemistry Programs at JSU explaining “Nano” in terms understandable to our ‘campers’.

Our “readiness” camp was the only place a camp of this kind has been offered in Jackson. This is one example of our efforts to ensure that the children in our community are getting the best educational experiences and tools available. We believe that Christian education should explore all of God’s creation, especially in the areas of science and the arts. We are excited about the quality of people God is calling to serve our children and youth.

We are deeply thankful to our faithful supporters and their partnership, without whom this important work would not be possible.

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531 W.Capitol Street
Jackson MS 39203



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