Austin Korean Presbyterian Church helps Seniors in Jackson

Volunteer group with those they served this year.

Austin Korean Presbyterian Church just completed a week of service in Jackson July 30th – August 5th.  While they were here they painted two houses for some of the seniors… Continue reading Austin Korean Presbyterian Church helps Seniors in Jackson...

nuzu_wp | August 10, 2016 | Christian Ministry Read more

5th Annual Trace Ride

On April 16th, Voice of Calvary Ministries hosted its 5th Annual Trace Ride as part of our On the Road to Health Initiative. This year we had ninety riders from… Continue reading 5th Annual Trace Ride...

vocm_wp | May 3, 2016 | Christian Ministry Read more

37th Year of Faithful Volunteer Service

  Justice For All (JFA) has been volunteering with Voice of Calvary Ministries (VOCM) for 37 years!  Such consistent service is a wonderful testimony of their love and care for… Continue reading 37th Year of Faithful Volunteer Service...

vocm_wp | March 7, 2016 | Christian Ministry Read more

VOCM’s partner Soldier On’s Innovative Resiliency Program

Soldier On’s Resiliency Program Featured in New Jersey Chiropractor Magazine View article on We Soldier On...

vocm_wp | February 18, 2016 | News & Events Read more

You’re Invited, Come Ride With Us.

5th annual Trace Ride…  You are invited! Signup up registration...

vocm_wp | February 11, 2016 | News & Events Read more

VOCM Participates in Super Tax Day Event

Voice of Calvary Ministries participated in the “Super Tax Day Saturday” February 6, 2016 held at the Jackson Medical Mall hosted by United Way/ Entergy in partnership with the IRS… Continue reading VOCM Participates in Super Tax Day Event...

vocm_wp | February 9, 2016 | Christian Ministry Read more

25+ Years a VOCM Volunteer – “Why I keep coming back”

The annual VOC trip over the years has become home to us.  My participation started in 1988.  I have only missed a couple years since then, so this year was… Continue reading 25+ Years a VOCM Volunteer – “Why I keep coming back”...

vocm_wp | January 22, 2016 | Christian Ministry Read more

Rebuilding Communities –New Homeowners

Rebuilding Lives progresses to Rebuilding Communities as those we are blessed to serve become homeowners and active members of their community.   Arthurine and Floyd Harris are one of Voice… Continue reading Rebuilding Communities –New Homeowners...

vocm_wp | January 20, 2016 | Christian Ministry Read more

VOCM Partner featured in VFW Magazine!

Soldier On, VOCM’s partner in our ministry of support services to homeless and unstably housed veterans in Mississippi, was featured in VFW magazine. Read the full VFW article by clicking… Continue reading VOCM Partner featured in VFW Magazine!...

vocm_wp | January 19, 2016 | News & Events Read more

After School -Expansion & Kick-Off

We are thankful for the dedicated and energized educators we have partnered with.  They have a passion to see their students excel and succeed in their education. Building on the… Continue reading After School -Expansion & Kick-Off...

vocm_wp | January 11, 2016 | Christian Ministry Read more

Voice of Calvary Blog & Articles

Children’s Food Giveaway Event: Cereal for Summer


May 04, 2024

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2022 VOCM Year-End Newsletter


Ties that Bind: Digital Inclusion Project






531 W.Capitol Street
Jackson MS 39203



© 2022 Voice of Calvary Ministries