West Jackson Blueprint for Revitalization

Master Planning Process

Master planning begins with community organizing as the research and analysis must be driven first by the residents, then other stakeholders, and then finally those who want to invest in the community. The purpose of the planning process is to understand problems and their implications; identify assets, liabilities and opportunities; and to identify best practices which can help address the problems, maximize assets and result in a rebuilt community. The outcome of the process is a guidebook which residents and other stakeholders can use to gain economic, social and political power to change their neighborhoods for the better.

Claiborne Park

Claiborne Park in 2016
Claiborne Park

On the western boundary of our target area, VOCM has developed Claiborne Park. In 2007, we developed a master plan for this sixteen acre parcel of land which is near residential neighborhoods, a high school, apartments, commercial corridor, as well as several churches. The first phase of the plan for the park has been completed and the park is used for a variety of community events.





View the West Jackson Planning Guidebook:

West Jackson Planning Guide [pdf]


Voice of Calvary Blog & Articles

2024 Year End Newsletter


January 24, 2025

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 Housing and Work Seminar – Vicksburg


Children’s Food Giveaway Event: Cereal for Summer


2022 VOCM Year-End Newsletter


Ties that Bind: Digital Inclusion Project


531 W.Capitol Street
Jackson MS 39203



© 2022 Voice of Calvary Ministries