On the Road to Health

**This was a past initiative of VOCM and is not a program currently being offered.  

Voice of Calvary Ministries pioneered Christian health care when it established the Voice of Calvary Family Health Center in 1981. The center was the first full-time, faith-based health center in Hinds County. The health center has since combined with the Jackson Medical Mall as a means of extending available services to an even wider community.

Our Purpose

We established the On the Road to Health initiative in 2011, as an ongoing effort to combat the epidemic of obesity in Mississippi through emphasis on healthy eating and exercise. Through encouraging healthier, more active lifestyles, Voice of Calvary Ministries promotes the health and wellness of the individual as well as the quality of neighborhood environments. We build health related wellness activities into all our programs and community education models, including health literacy, disease prevention, and physical fitness.

Annual Trace Ride

Through On the Road to Health, we sponsor an Annual Trace Ride  in April. Each year the length of the adult ride is the age of our President, Phil Reed, which he himself completes.  The last adult Trace Ride was 68 miles!

So that our children can participate the Trace Ride also includes  a ‘Youth Ride’.  This way our children can be educated and encouraged to eat and exercise to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

We also sponsor the Cruising the Community event for children in August with Jackson State University, and the Annual 5K Zoo Run/ Walk in October. Check back soon to get details on our next race.


For more information, contact VOCM by phone at (601) 969-3088 or by email to info@vocm.org.


The 2019 Trace Ride is being planned!  Details will be published HERE as they become available.

To see and read about the latest Trace Ride – Click Here





Voice of Calvary Blog & Articles

Children’s Food Giveaway Event: Cereal for Summer


May 04, 2024

View the pdf:

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2022 VOCM Year-End Newsletter


Ties that Bind: Digital Inclusion Project






531 W.Capitol Street
Jackson MS 39203



© 2022 Voice of Calvary Ministries