We are called by God to serve the poor and disadvantaged.
We are openly and aggressively committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We will act with high ethical and moral standards at all times.
We will handle all of the resources entrusted to us by God and our supporters with responsibility and integrity at all times.
We will take every opportunity to collaborate with other community groups, formal and informal, because we believe that we can accomplish more working together than as separate entities.
We will share freely the creation of wealth, which we are able to achieve as an organization, because we believe real change occurs when the people themselves own the work.
We believe that our goal is to empower the community, not just to provide products and services, because we believe that local community leadership has the capacity and abilities to improve conditions in their communities.
We will take a stand at all times for racial reconciliation.
We will develop well defined measures to document effectiveness for the long term sustainability of our organization.